
莫能菌素 莫能星的英文

  • monensin
  • :    no one; none; nothing
  • :    ability; capability; skill
  • :    mushroom a surname
  • :    white
  • :    star
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        :    no one; none; nothing
        :    ability; capability; skill
        :    mushroom a surname
        :    white
        :    star
        莫能菌素,莫能菌酸:    coban
        莫能菌素:    coban; monensic acid; monensin
        莫能星:    monensin
        莫能菌素(莫能霉素,孟宁素):    monensin
        海莫能:    pekka himanen
        爱莫能助:    willing to help but unable to do so; be glad to, but powerless to render assistance; be sympathetic but have no ability [unable] to help; be unable to help sb. even for the sake of love; desirous but unable to help; feel sorry that one is not in a position to give help; i can do nothing.; it is beyond one's ability to render assistance although one would like to.; love but have no ability to render assistance; not be able to help even if one would like to; one would be glad to help but cannot.; the spirit is willing but the body weak.; (we) will not be able to help (sb.) even if we would like to 这件事我们是爱莫能助了。 we are willing to help but unable to do so about this
        概莫能外:    admit of no exception whatsoever; all include; each and all; it admits of no exception.; without exception
        莫能霉素:    monensin
        莫能霉素钠:    monensin sodium
        表示爱莫能助:    stating inability to help
        这件事我们是爱莫能助了:    we are willing to help but unable to do so about this
        菌素:    bactericidin; bacterin; bacteriochlorophyll; halogen; mushroom poison; rhzomorph
        鞍菌素:    sellenin
        耙菌素:    irpexin
        败菌素:    eurotin; yurotin
        胞菌素:    neoral
        鞭菌素:    flagecidin
        簿菌素:    virusin
        碘菌素:    iodinin; jodinin
        毒菌素:    fungitoxin


  1. "莫内亚"英文
  2. "莫内亚萨"英文
  3. "莫嫩"英文
  4. "莫嫩特"英文
  5. "莫能菌素"英文
  6. "莫能菌素(莫能霉素,孟宁素)"英文
  7. "莫能菌素,莫能菌酸"英文
  8. "莫能霉素"英文
  9. "莫能霉素钠"英文
  10. "莫能星"英文


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